Thursday, May 31, 2012

Two Million Moms

I said this as a joke. "We should make a group called TWO Million Moms and follow ONE Million Moms around contradicting everything they say." I am beginning to think this was brilliance. I am looking in to it to see what I might need to do to go all grass roots now.

I love my friends and family. I want us to live in a good world where ignorance isn't tolerated, let alone celebrated. We need to fight for it.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

So it came to this.

Dear insane preachers and congress persons who want to ruin the world,

Please. Stop. You are making bigotry synonymous with the "word of God". I would be remiss to not mention that God didn't write the bible.

You know the bible? That book you base you bigotry and the foundation of your belief system? The book that God wrote? Nope. To the best of our knowledge, God has never held a pen, quill, popped up on a typewriter, or word processor. God was never a published author.

God's word? The bible? At best that's a game of telephone that is conveying a message of how you are to live your life. To live it to the spirit of the law makes sense, I guess. To live it to the letter of the law is madness. You aren't getting to words from God himself, but his desciples. Then translated a few times. Go to ten churches all talking about the same scripture. You'll hear 10 different interpretations. How do you know the words written were the words spoken? How do you know that they got it right? You don't.

Worst case (yet, most likely) is that this scripture was just written by holy men to get the congregations in line with the law of the land, much like fairy tales were written to keep children in line. It could just be a novel. Do you think you would put the gays to death based of the writings of Stephanie Meyer? No? I thought not.

Let me get to my point. If you want religion in your life, great. Just try not to be a total insane loon. God is love? Love thy neighbor? Try hearing some of the message in the book. It tells you to behave yourself and be good to each other. Jesus was a chill dude. He hung out with the sinners. He tried to show them the way through love. He would never get up in front of a congregation and say "Gays should be put to death". What gives you the right to judge the world in eyes more righteous than those of Jesus?! He's your savior, is he not? Do as he did. Lead with love, not hate and ignorance. Know the letter of the law is flawed and learn to see the spirit of it. You'll find much less reason to be an ignorant, hateful, and deluded jackass.